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Our Services

Cause & Origin Investigations

Water/ Moisture Intrusion Cause 

Weather Damage  Determination

Building MEP Systems Assesment

Foundation/Earth Movement

Roof Damage & Collapse

Fire Damage Assessment

Repair Scope Determination 

Earthquake Damage Evaluation

As-Built Assessment - Liability 

Construction Defects Assessments

Repair Cost Analysis

Expert Testimony 

Cause & Origin Investigations

Determination of how when and why; water intrusion, collapse, wind damage, subsidence, earthquake, roots, flood, earth movement, as-built conditions, deferred maintenance, human, building component failure, system failure, construction defect....conclusive insight is the sole focus of our practice; we figure it out.

Fire Damage Assessment

Delineation of  damage scope due to fire/suppression activities, define  or analysis of scope of repairs  and determination of building code/jurisdiction impacts on re-construction.  

Earthquake Damage Evaluations

Was the shaker responsible?
What is the extent of  damage?
Is it safe?
How can it be repaired? 
We provide conclusive insight.

Expert Services

Technical/practical experience in design, construction and forensics engineering gives us credible expert opinions.